Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Kick-Ass... I ain't scared of you muther-fuckers.

So, I recently took a visit to the local theater to observe the new film "Kick-Ass". Phenominal film, nonstop action, great plot and that fuckin "Hit Girl".... wow! I walked into the movie theater not completely knowing what to expect, this is what made this film even more enticing. I'm glad those muther fuckers at Disney didn't acquire this marvel project. Personally all they seem to do is fuck great stories up and turn them into nursery rhymes. If you think Obama is a socialist, maybe you should visit disney.com.... muther fuckers.

A handful of complaints have surfaced regarding the audience this film is marketing towards. First and foremost, I'm sure every person that has seen at least one movie in their lives understands the rating system. When a movies has a rating of 'R', that means it's not for children.

Here's a few mental notes for reference:

- if a movie is rated 'R', that means it for seventeen (17) and older.

- when you see a thirteen year old girl carrying a gun and a double-edged sword, maybe you should inquire about the plot.

- don't use McLovin as a fuckin excuse for your kids to see this movie. I don't give a damn if he looks 16, he's over 20 and a rated 'R' actor. Superbad and Role Models was rated 'R' as well.

For all who show interest in seeming this, don't walk in with with a sense of critique, walk in with a sense of humor. I lost about 2kg laughing my ass off.

I give this movie a 4.99 out of 5.00

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Friday, April 16, 2010

I survived the KFC Double Down and lived to tell about it.

So, I finally took the purge and travel to the local KFC to taste the infamous Double Down. I have to admit, personally, I wouldn't finish the sandwich for moral reasons. This doesn't take away from the quality of one of the best fast food sandwiches to hit the market; regardless if it has more salt than the island of Malta.

To comment in regards to the media, I believe the American Heart Association, PETA and all of those other damn organizations with tax-ID numbers needs to stop scaring Americans in regards to what they consume. I've read more articles in the past speaking out against the Double Down than about cigarettes, drugs or Burger King. The hypocricy in the media needs to give this sandwich a chance, as we know, the Double Down isn't going to last for long. However, we're still going to deal with other sandwiches like The Triple Whopper, The McDonald's Angus & let's not forget about Hardee's that place has enough grease to give John Travolta a fountain of youth makeover.

Overall, I would try this sandwich again if I was totally wasted and on days that I've clearly watched my sodium count. The other sandwiches listed above are stay out of my eating rountine completely. I personally would recommend trying the sandwich if you don't fall to the will of healthy eating propoganda, in that case you're probably too afraid to ever indulge yourself outside of fat free yougurt (which is very good by the way).

I give this sandwich a 13.80 out of 15.